The stone wall was falling fast on April, and like the whip-cracking hero himself I have dived under it, escaped death's clutches and delivered a blog to the world. And yes, I even had time to reach back in and grab my hat.
This month we are back to the standard 9 songs I'm afraid. But fear not, they all have a hop in their gait and a spring in their step.
For Spring is upon us!
No longer will our poor ears have to be wrapped in beanies or muffs, no longer will we have to sit at home shivering next to our one lonely lump of dying coal, No! We can set them free into the world accompanied only by headphones (hopefully playing this month's playlist) on a quest to find that elusive 'Song Of The Summer'. I will do my best to find yours for you in the next couple of months.
But enough rejoicing, onto April's Blips!
1. Foals - This Orient
Foals are back with some new stuff. And it is gooood. Gone are the angry Oxbridge mathletes with their technical riffs and twitchy drums. Out of that IQ-rich chrysalis has sprung something altogether more clear and peaceful. I was going to say 'euphoric', but that word will forever remind me of skin-headed sweat-drenched Northerners dressed as babies, sucking dummies and gurning. So I didn't.

(not quite the image I have in my head, but he'll do)
2. The Drums - Forever And Ever Amen
Much-hyped band The Drums here, stars of the NME tour and probably covered by 90% of bloggers already. But hey, I just heard this one (didn't like the ones before) and I like it. Lots of New Order/Joy Division influences going on, just with a slightly speeded up indie outcome. That's not a negative comment, everyone has to sound like someone, don't they? I think I'm just paranoid that the 90% are laughing at me.
3. Philadelphia Grand Jury - 99 Problems
Aussie's Philly Jays (apparently this is their nickname. what does it say about the practicality of your band name that you need to shorten it and make up a shorter version?) doing a cheeky remake of Jay-Z's original. They do write their own stuff too, and it aint taa bead mayt. That was a horrendous attempt at a phonetic Australian accent if you were wondering...
4. The National - Blood Buzz Ohio
If you like Interpol, tune in. Reeeeeeal Amurkin music here (enough now) with lovely pianos, lovely vocals and a nice quick drum to keep it ticking along. I've ordered the album, so will let you know how that goes for me. Ah that reminds me: have a look on the right hand side because my list of Albums You Must Own has expanded.
5. Steve Mason - Lost And Found
This is probably my favourite find this month. Steve Mason hails from the now defunct (I think) Beta Band, known as one of the best 'unknown' bands never to make it. When I first heard this song I thought it was a little bit annoying. If this is your thought process as well then please, give it a few listens because right now I think it is pretty god-dang sensational.
6. Turin Brakes - Sea Change
Turin Brakes' 2001 album 'The Optimist' was the soundtrack for a large chunk of my teenage years. After that they faded out a bit, and I presumed they had split up and were doing something far more glamorous like collecting my bins every Tuesday. Well, as is fairly obvious, it seems they are still tearing up the folk scene (can you 'tear up' the folk scene?). This songs brings back waves of teenage nostalgia: awkwardness, low-self esteem, frustration and unrequited love. Ahhhh, happy times!
7. Delorean - Deli
Brazil's answer to Friendly Fires, I downloaded this EP (for £4 - do it) last month and am still thoroughly enjoying it. 3 definite candidates for 'Song Of The Summer' here; happy vibes, sing-able chorus and that little bit of X factor. Or as they say in Portuguese: factor X. It's a tricky language.
8. CHEW LiPS - Seven
Pop wonderment from this up'n'coming South-London-based Kitsuné-signed trio. When Kitsuné sign someone you can normally assume that they are pretty good, and this is no exception. Catchy? Check. Bleepy goodness? Check. Big lead vocal? Check. Breakdown? Check. You get the message. This song is destined for the mainstream.
9. Psychemagik - Where We Are?
A warm blast of spacey disco gurgles to finish this month's selection off. I heard a remix they did on the Rob Da Bank show on Radio 1, and this is the only track I could find. Given that the song only has 650 views, you can pat yourself and say you found these guys first when you are talking to that Gauloise smoking, purple jean wearing cool-cat (remember him from August?).
Well that's all for now. I do hope that you and your ears enjoyed themselves. Check back for another instalment in the merry month of May and remember, if you like it, buy the album!
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