Friday, 27 November 2009

November 2009

Ok, I’m writing this very sheepishly. It’s almost December, and I haven’t blipped for a long time. Apologies, but life got in the way for a bit.

So, admin over, onto the good stuff (and it is good stuff.)

I’ve got 9 little corkers for you this month, and to try and make it up to you, my little virtual visitor, I am planning something very special for December. Very special indeed. So keep those ears to the floor and that nose to the breeze. In the meantime, wrap your chops around the November Issue.

1. Baxter – Proof (Lifelike mix)

Now, if you’ve been paying attention, you might have realised that I quite like sleepy electronic music with someone (preferably foreign) chirping quasi-decipherable English over the top. And this is no exception. Lovely lovely stuff here from the mystery man Baxter. I’ve got it playing in my headphones as I type this and the song is ending and I don’t want it to but now there are just the little gurgles and it’s fading and the gurgles are quieter and it’s going and wow it’s taking a quite a long time to go and now there are organs and it’s gone. Sigh.

2. The Twelves – Works For Me

Take Phoenix and put them in Rio De Janeiro. Not that there is anything especially Brazilian about this track. That’s just where The Twelves are from (2 guys, both born on the 12th of July. See what they did there? Although technically, shouldn’t it have been The Twelfths? Although saying that does automatically give you a speech impediment.)

3. Pony Pony Run Run – Hey You

This album is only available on iTunes, but I guess that’s how most of you kids buy your music anyway these days. Apart from all the naughty illegal, bad, naughty, illegal, bad and naughty ones. It’s only about £7 and it’ll keep your ears happy for at least two weeks, depending on how demanding they are. I’ve heard of ears that have lasted months on this stuff though, so you could be lucky. Another one from the Eurolectro mould. Nice little guitars as well though. I like these guys and I really like this song.

4. Bag Raiders – Turbo Love

They’ve been called ‘the new Daft Punk’ and although those ‘the new’ tags really annoy me, I can kind of see where they are coming from, but at the same time, not even close. I still haven’t seen Daft Punk live. It’s on my TTDBID list. I’ll let you work that one as I can’t be arsed to type it. Anyway, Bag Raiders are in the same mould. And for all of you who get quite irritated by this French electro-pop malarkey, this is the last one, promise. I know your foot is tapping though. Come on admit it.

5. Local Natives – Stranger Things

A late entry into my list of contenders for album of the year, this record has literally knocked my socks off. Youtube entries are still relatively sparse, so this was the only decent recording I could get hold of that didn’t have a 2 minute blank space at the end of it. This is an absolute belter of an album, and I implore you to buy it. They have been described as “a hairy Arcade Fire”. I think that’s pretty good. Lots of sweeping strings, and harmonies. General sweepiness actually. Oh, and the handclaps. Gotta love the handclaps.

6. Wild Beasts – All The Kings Men

A lot of “Woooo oooo oooohh oh oh oh oooooooo” is a fantastic addition to any song. Combine this with a cheeky falsetto, some lovely place names and a generally lovely melody and you have yourself one gem of a song. Album was a little disappointing, although I’m holding out for it to be a slow-grower. Maybe it’s just because I bought it at the same time as Local Natives and I gave that all my love. I think these guys are English as well, which makes a change on this blog.

7. Memory Tapes – Bicycle

Weird band this. Don’t really know how to categorise it at all. If you were with me as far back as September, you will remember Department of Eagles. These guys are fairly similar, but much more on the electronic side of things. The track bubbles along nicely with some synthing and a bit of plinking, but then breaks into something really unexpected and, well, beautiful. It’s lovely. Makes my toes warm.

8. Fredrik – Alina’s Place

This is one for you obscure music lovers. Relatively unknown Swedish band who I stumbled upon one day completely by accident. I think if I lived in a place where the temperature always had a “-“ in front of it and it got dark at about 2pm every day I would make music like this as well. It puts you right there, in a little wooden lodge beside a dark and frozen lake, but you’re inside, lying next to a roaring fire, surrounded by reindeer blankets. Ahhhhhhhh. Yum.

9. Teddy Bear’s Picnic (Big Gay Bear Mix) (Kompakt)

As always with track 9, I’m offering you something from left-field. This month's entry is truly bizarre. There is something delightfully naughty about this song – it makes me feel like scampering around in a comedy-tiptoe style. Definitely one to stick on at that weird hour of the morning where no one really knows what’s going on. Guaranteed merriment and chaos. Think I’m going to buy a copy for my record bag. The little breakdown in the middle using the original sample is just brilliant. Come to think of it, there’s something quite sleazy and unsettling about this track. I think that’s why I like it so much.

It even has applause at the end. Fitting, because you too may now applaud. See you in December (I promise!)

--------------END OF TRANSMISSION------------------

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

More Youtube Wizardry

Previous months now available via the Playlist function. Enjoy!



Also found this nifty little gadget which lets you put all your favourite bands/DJs into a database and generates a calendar of their upcoming shows and tours. Here is the link:

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

October 2009

As the days close in, the temperature plummets and that rosy (burnt) summer holiday glow fades from your face, Chip's Blips is here to rescue you; swooping you up into a velvety blanket of squelchy crotchets and caressing your weary ears.

And just when you thought things couldn't get any better, I've only gone and turned myself into a techno whizzkid. Yes listeners, you can now listen to every song on my playlist without clicking on each link individually! Pat yourself on the back - your life is now easier.

So herrrrrre we go! October's playlist, coming right up.

Wow. That has just saved me 40 minutes of embedding individual videos right there. Super. (Edit: there seems to be a problem with loading the Popof tracks at the end. Click this link to go directly to the complete Youtube playlist)

1. Passion Pit - Sleepyhead (Starsmith Remix feat. Ellie Goulding)

"Oh Lord," I hear you all sigh, "He's lost it. He put that in last month." Well, you're all wrong. Well, you're right, but you're wrong. Although, if I had heard this last month then the original would've been left crying on the sidelines like that really fat kid who's shit at football.

This is called a remix, but it isn't your generic slightly-speeded-up-and-given-a-shitty-beat remix. It has been re-engineered into something altogether more lovely and totally outclasses the original. The lyrics are supplied by Ellie Goulding, a Youtube darling who is just starting to make ripples in the mainstream. Gone is the shrieker that I warned you about in September. Good riddance I say. You know how sometimes a bar of soap smells so good that you want to eat it? Well I want to eat Ellie Goulding's voice, though I fear that - as with soap - it wouldn't go so well.

2. Florence and the Machine - You've Got The love (The Xx Remix)

Ahh Florence. You're so crazy and thrashy and ginger. And The Xx. Ahhhh The Xx. You're so dark and broody and slutty. Put them together and you've got yourself a crazy-dark broody-thrash ginger slut of a song, and it really works. The Xx can do no wrong in my eyes, and this track has only increased my undying respect for (i.e. jealousy of) them. Who knew Xylophones could be so good?
I'm also really enjoying trying to sing along to the mashed-up Florence vocal in the chorus. Try it (and make a tit out of yourself).
(P.s. Don't worry they aren't all remixes.)

3. Grum - Heartbeats

Well here's one to get you up and at 'em. This track doesn't mess about. Little intro, breakdown, smash the place up. Probably not the best thing to listen to at 8.30 at work, but there's a time and a place for everything.
These guys are Scotland's answer to Daft Punk and are impressing on the remix circuit. Pretty sure they have an album/EP out on the 19th of October so I will report with more informative snippets then. In the meantime they should fire whoever directed the video. Decidedly odd.

4. Cut Copy - Out There On The Ice

A fairly well-known track here from these Aussie funsters. The album got huge acclaim in 2008, and deservedly so. It's chock-full of crunchy electro nuggets, complete with 80s vocals à la Grafton Primary (see August). In fact, it's going to be my second Blip. I think everyone should own this album. The track itself is a catchy little number with an absolute cracker of a chorus and a multitude of sneaky synths. It also comes with a rather nice build-up. Enjoy.

5. Air France - No Excuses

The only thing I know about this band is that they are no relation to the airline. (Surely there are some copyright issues going on here? Lawyers leave your comments and probable lawsuits in the appropriate box below.) Anyone who is a fan of Sebastian Tellier's 'La Ritournelle' will enjoy this. It's one of those sunshiny Balearic numbers that just makes everything better.

6. Kid Cudi - Make Her Say

I'm not normally a fan of Hip Hop, but this track I like. I must admit to have been slightly swayed by the video, which I have to say is one of the coolest I've seen in a long time. The chorus is catchy and it's got a good little melody. Do you need another reason to like it? How about Kanye West managing to use 'medulla oblongata' in a verse? Ok, sold.

7. Grizzly Bear - Two Weeks

I know there are lots of die hard Grizzlies out there who will kill their granny for not liking the band, so i'm going to tread carefully and straight-up apologise for picking the most well-known track on the album. My line of thinking was that it is also the best track on 'Veckatimest'. Could the two be linked?

For those who don't know Grizzly Bear, they fall into that weird American folk bracket, also inhabited by the musical monoliths of Animal Collective, Panda Bear. A lot of it is just a little too skewed for me (although Animal Collective's new album is very good), but this song ticks all my boxes. I hope it ticks yours too.

8. Maps - Turning The Mind

This is a real slow burner. Don't get fed up with it. You have to be patient. It swirls its way delicately to the final release about 2 minutes in. Definitely worth the wait. Reminds me a little bit of Electric President.

9. Popof - Lost Thoughts part 1 & 2

Going against tradition, I'm putting two techno masterpieces to finish. If you can find a way to play this through good speakers at high volume rather than using shitty little earphones that would be swell. Techno at its finest. Simple.

Apologies for the shortness of each track description; it's been a long day. I hope the music makes up for it.

Thanks for listening.

------- END OF TRANSMISSION -------

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

September 2009

Herrre we go kids! It's that time again - September to be exact - where I unleash some of the tastiest musical wizardry your ears have ever tasted (since last month).

Some of the stuff here is going to make you want to hop, some of it is going to make you want to hug. I shall call this my Hug-hop compilation.

We'll start hoppy and go huggy later.

1. Casio Kids - Finn bikkjen!

I have no idea what these Swedish scamps are singing about, but I'd wager 11 shillings and sixpence that it's not about someone dying. This is a happy, hoppy (last time) track that I really should've found at the beginning of the summer rather than the end. But hey-ho, who's to say this can't be your 'soundtrack to the autumn'... Not quite the same though is it...

If anyone speaks Swedish out there, I would love a brief synopsis.

2. Vampire Weekend - The Kids Don't Stand A Chance (Chromeo mix)

Turns out this is a special collaboration, not just some bootleg Chromeo rustled up in his shed. I heard this track before I heard the original. I don't like the original now. This is just a really, really top class tune. Simple, retro beat with some nice little gurgles and Mr Vamp's Police-esque ("Don't stand, don't stand, don't stand so close to me-ee") delightful vocals over the top. The breakdown is a bit of a corker as well - the fella's got a voice on him I tell ya!

3. The xx - Crystalised

I pre-ordered the album by these South Londoners in July and have literally been sitting with my face in the letterbox ever since. It finally arrived last week and I wasn't disappointed. I spent my entire walk home today trying to categorise it. I've come up with 'Space-age Slut Pop'. For those of you familiar with Fujiya & Miyagi, that's the closest comparison I can think of, although these slutboxes are streets ahead, and far less annoying. It's catchy as hell, but in a really dirty way. Crystalised is probably their stickiest track, hence why I have put it in (as your musical vicar I am hell-bent [sic] on converting you). I love the boy&girl vocals and the guitar on the chorus is so simple that it absolutely shouldn't be as fantastic as this. These guys will be huge.

Enough waffling, dig in (then buy the album!):

4. Passion Pit - Sleepyhead

This album came out a good while ago, but I still think this track is straight out the top drawer. I never understood that expression - isn't the top drawer always socks or cutlery?

Once you get past the fact that the guy can't really sing and just kind of shrieks his way through the track it's actually a mighty fine bit of electronic twinkling. And if - God forbid - you don't like it, then fear not! It's only 2.58 long.

5. Department Of Eagles - No One Does It Like You

Rob da Bank once said: "If it's American, and it's not from Brooklyn or Austin, it's not worth it's salt." I'm not sure that's exactly what he said, but you get the point. These guys are from Brooklyn, so by definition they must be good.

Sweeping quotes from my musical Yoda aside, these Noo Yoikers are definitely on the weird end of the oddometer. I've picked one of the most normal tracks for you here, just to break you in gently. If you like this, and you want to go weirder, check out their debut album. Unclassifiable stuff.

6. The Notwist - One With The Freaks

I met my favourite person over a conversation about The Notwist. Actually, it was more like an argument over how this it's pronounced. All those in favour of The No Twist say ayyyy. All those in favour of The Not Wist say yeeeeee. It's a tough one isn't it? I was thinking about emailing them for phonetical clarification...

This is from the album 'Neon Golden', and it's lovely. They are German, and I'm a big fan of foreign bands who sing in English (Kings of Convenience, Phoenix etc.) as they always write very 'almost-but-not-quite' lyrics. If you like this, then 'Chemicals' and 'Consequence' are my two other favourites.

7. Lisa Hannigan - I Don't Know

This is for all you Regina Spektor/one woman and a guitar lovers. Lovely voice? Check. Sweet melodies? Check. Songs about love? Check. I think this is the girl who made Damien Rice famous. It's not going to change the world, but those plinky violins are nice donchathink? They remind me of 'Dance With You' by Kings of Convenience.

8. Sweet Billy Pilgrim - Kalypso

Mercury-nominated, but they shouldn't win. This track is a melancholy masterpiece, but the album disappoints if I'm honest. Don't let that spoil your enjoyment of this little folky wonder. It's folking amazing. Oh dear.

9. Louie Austen - Hoping (Herbert's High Dub)

As with Blip tradition (is it tradition when this is only the second time?), my last track is an oldie. This is one of my favourite songs. Ever. It's a long intro, but don't get greedy, just stay calm and wait for the vocal. Try and listen to this on good speakers - the bass is really squelchy.

A faultless track (in my humble opinion).

Until we meet again.

-----------End of transmission------------

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

For the uninitiated... Ellen Alien & Apparat - Orchestra Of Bubbles

(Just a quick disclaimer before I start. The knowledgeable amongst you will know this album already. So for all of you expecting a musical revolution, have patience, young padwans.)

I think it's important to share the real gems that we come across. If we didn't do that then music wouldn't work. Just because this was released in 2006, doesn't mean it's not worth listening to. I can promise you the beats are still frrrrrrrresh!

I recommend everyone goes here, and buys this album right now. I honestly can't think of a better way to spend £7.48. Seriously, i've just been sitting here for 10 minutes trying to think of an amusing way to spend £7.48. Best thing I've come up with is Halal Love Hearts. 

That, my friends, is a cracking cover. The songs in it are just as good. I don't really want to break it down track by track but 'Rotary' is the highlight for sure.
It's techno, but not as you know it. There's none of that mindless pill-crazed-eastern-europe-fist-pump-smash-stomp.......

These guys LOVE hard pumping techno

Picture the scene: you're in Poland, you've got spiky red hair, no shirt and a backpack, you've found a slutty techno girl in a bikini and they are playing mindless techno. You're in bloody paradise! And look at the guy in the background. Look at him! He bloody loves it! He's literally doing a fist-pump-smash-stomp! Fuck I love Poland.


.........that you find hanging around in the 'techno' section of Music & Video Exchange. (On a side note, aren't the people who work in that shop the most miserable tossers you've ever met? They won't talk to you unless you know the name of the pet rabbit whose owner played the harpsichord on Syd Barrett's unreleased, unfinished 2nd album. Twats.)
Anyway, this is the proper stuff. Deep, melodic, intricate, clever, emotional (yes, electronic music can be emotional you philistines), and accessible. You don't have to sit through 4 minutes of crashing synths waiting for a beat. It's gloopy, it's shlompy.............

and it's Chip's first Blip.

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

A Eulogy to Rob Da Bank

Not many men with pony-tails have my respect and undying admiration, but this man is one of them. (For the techno-spazzes amongst you, when the word is purple it means I want you to click on it.)

(This man does not have my respect)

Not only does he look like a chump, but he also has a really stupid name. I mean come on, Rob Da Bank? I think if you gave 1000 8 year old boys free rein on a DJ name, at least half would pick that. Although maybe that's what he was going for. Probably, given that he is actually a supreme being.

But this daftly-named, hippy-haired man is actually a total genius. His now defunct show 'The Blue Room' on Radio 1 pioneered the kind of gloopy, blippy and just plain weird music that only a fool could ignore. Or someone who wasn't awake from 2am to 4am on a Sunday night. Either or...

If you still need a reason to believe me then here it comes: he invented Bestival. Unfortunately he cannot control the weather, I'm sure lots of you feel my pain on this one.

Thankfully, the Beeb have kept my modern musical hero on the Radio. He does 2 shows every week, one solo effort playing the weird and wonderful, and the other (Rob Da Bank and friends) playing a guest's A-Z selection.

Here are the links for Sunday's shows.

Rob Da Bank Show

Rob Da Bank and Friends

I actually haven't picked the most accessible week of shows for the uninitiated. The RdB&F show is with Simian Mobile Disco, and they play some really weird stuff. But you know what, it's all music, and at least you will be able to say, "Hey yeh, I know who Black Meteoric Cloud are and I think they are shit!" instead of pretending to be cool and lying about knowing them when you are talking to that boy with a stupid fringe and purple jeans smoking Gitanes.

(They really are shit)

Monday, 3 August 2009

August 2009

1. MSTRKRFT & John Legend – Heartbreaker

This is massive. Imagine an elephant on a Space Hopper. Now imagine that the elephant is this song, and that the little bouncy globe is every other dance track around. Crushed.

2. Phoenix – Lisztomania

If this doesn’t make you happy then you are dead inside. That’s all there is to it.

3. Discovery – Osaka Loop Line

Holy Moses, this is radical. Discovery, for those who don’t know, are a tasty little side project from some of the boys who brought us Vampire Weekend. So make yourself a tasty little sandwich of Vampire vocals (let’s call them the bacon), Au revoir Simone loops (farmhouse white roll), a bit of Autechre crash noise (tomato), poppy genius (lettuce), and slurpy RnB vibes (mayonnaise). Now a lot of people don’t like mayonnaise and a lot of people don’t like RnB. My response to you people is in the form of a question. Would you eat mayonnaise on its own? I rest my case. I am aware there may be people out there who cannot (or choose not to) eat bacon. I’ve got one thing to say to you people. Make your own fucking sandwich.

4. Grafton Primary – I Can Cook

Step up, Australia’s answer to MYLO. Yes yes yes, MYLO is “like totally frickin passé”, and will forever be remembered for the legions of shocking ‘Drop The Pressure’ remixes. But do you remember hearing it for the first time? Do you remember your mind literally exploding when that bar/psi/mbar/mb/N/m2/Pa/hPa/kPa was finally dropped? It’s hard to erase the other 41,563 I know, but have a go. Can’t do it? Listen to this, loud.

5. Chairlift – Evident Utensil

If I could bottle the key ingredient of “stickinyourheadiness” in a song, I’d be a rich man. Maybe it’s the “Aqua – Barbie Girl” style macho commentary in the background, maybe it’s the little “Wooo Oooh” she does, maybe it’s the fact the song is only 2.51 long. OR maybe (this is my strongest theory), it’s the fact that they’ve realised how killer the chorus is and have decided to just repeat it again and again until your ears are addicted. Mine are.

6. The Horrors – Sea Within A Sea

Tough to pick a track from this album given that they’re all verrry good, but I’ve gone with this one. I didn’t really like these jumped-up little goth-monkeys at the beginning, but you can’t argue with this album. Joy Division with dying synths and hairspray. Dark, sombre and fucking good.

7. Soap and Skin – Cynthia

From one spookfest to another. This cracking little Austrian is 18. Pah! How can she produce music this haunting? The only Austrian I know who could possibly make music this dark spent her life in a cellar. Do I want to go there? Not really. Just to clarify though, Anja Plaschg, the genius behind Soap and Skin, is no relation. And it’s no laughing matter.

8. Middle East – Blood

Before listening to this track, consider the band’s name, the track’s name, and the fact that it’s on SPUNK Records. Nothing will prepare you for the explosion of beauty that will bundle your poor, tired ears into a cotton-wool cloud and feed them grapes and love noodles (except perhaps the fact that you have just read this). Arcade Fire/Fleet Foxes/Bon Iver fans, jump on this Australian folksy bandwagon. What is a folksy bandwagon? An applecart? A wheelbarrow? And what the fuck are love noodles?

9. Class Action - Weekend

I’m going to keep my playlists to 9 songs. All killer, no filler. 9th song will always be the track from leftfield. The doosra for all you cricket fans, the curveball for all you Yanks, the ………… for all you people more able to think of comparisons than me.

This track is a little slice of disco pie. Short(crust) and sweet. I couldn’t resist.

Please enjoy this playlist responsibly. If you aren’t good at controlling your limbs I would recommend avoiding listening whilst driving. May cause uncontrollable beat spasms. There’s the disclaimer, now my ass is covered. See you in September for the next instalment.

----------------- END OF TRANSMISSION -------------------

Well well. Here I am.

It seems now is the time to start contributing.

I don’t feel I’ve contributed enough yet in my 24 years. Here seems like a good place to start.

Music makes me happy, hopefully I can make you happy. See what I did there? It’s like one of those never-ending Zen master circles of energy, except probably a little bit better.

So, help me, help you (help ME, help YOU) and cast your beady eyes onwards.

I think I’m going to do a playlist every month, and then just put little snipperty-jibbets in whenever I feel like it in between. Ahh, those difficult in-between times.