Welcome to the coldest edition of Chip's Blips this year! It's so bloomin' freezing outside that you might as well just put the kettle on, make yourself a nice cuppa and relax to the dulcit tones of this month's edition. Over and over again. Possibly with some other stuff in between, but obviously depends how much you like the playlist.
Speaking of playlists, I've had multiple requests from Blippers that I create each month's se
lection on Spotify as well as YouTube. Well, you will be glad to know that I am listening to the people and there shall be Spotify versions from December onwards (no time this month - exam hell).
So, what have we got this month? Well you're just going to have to click 'play' to find out aren't you!
1. Sun Kil Moon - Alesund
One of my favourite artists and albums (Admiral Fell Promises) of 2010. For all of you Bon Iver fans, this is an absolute must purchase. He has an unbelievable voice, the melodies are soft and delicate and the guitar is creative without being too complicated. Perfection. Hopefully this slow, sleepy beauty will get you off to a flyer.
2. M83 - Graveyard Girl
An o
ld one, but M83 seem to be one
of those bands that have accidentally passed a lot of people by who should absolutely love them. Well if this is you, you're in luck! This is from their amazing album 'Saturdays = Youth' and without wanting to sound like a broken record, this is another one that should most definitely be in your life in hard-copy form. The Twilight-esque girl talking over the track halfway through is admittedly a little odd, but I promise it doesn't happen again on the album and what's more, it contributes to an amazing break. (p.s. ignore the video!)
3. Bear In Heaven - Lovesick Teenagers
Another product of the American Lo-fi Factory rolls off the assembly line. When they're good, they're really really good. I lo
ve the switch from menacing intro to the dreamy middle whilst managing to keep to the same riff (cheeky change of instrument). And the chorus line: "Lovesick teenagers/ don't ever die/ they will live forever", is a scary prospect indeed.
4. Catwalk - (Please) Don't Break Me
Another (sorry!). This time they've gone a little bit Beach Boys on us, with plucky guitars and faded vocals. And it's another sub-1000 views tracks for all you lovers of fresh fresh music that no one else has heard in your circle of friends, allowing you to use it as a cool badge and hopefully get some respect/a
5. Matthew Dear - Honey
From his new album 'Black City', the master of ambient techno unleashes his synthetic juices all over Chip's Blips. "Matthew! Clean that up!"
It's a slow, moody number that builds slowly and then fades away as slowly as it started. A snapshot into Mr Dear's glitching cerebellum. (wow)
6. How To Dress Well - You Won't Need Me Where I'm Goin'
"Girl/ you don't ever have to worry bout me no
more" - you fool! Girls want to worry about you, that's what they like doing! Jeeeez, hasn't this kid learnt anything? Well apart from how to play musical instruments and start an awesome band that make awesome songs? No, didn't think so!
7. Smith Westerns - Weekend
Remember when I put that Two Door Cinema Club track 'Undercover Martyn' on here (before they were famous *ahem*)? Well, I did, and I remember saying that all you need to make a corker of a song is a catchy but mind-blowingly simple riff. Here is another example. The only way I wasn't going to like this song after hearing the first 8 seconds was if Billy Bragg had come in 'singing' (the loosest possible definition) over the top of it. Thankfully, he didn't, and I love it.
8. Crystal Castles ft. Robert Smith - I'm Not In Love
HELL FRICKIN YES. What happens when you put nu-rave geniuses in a studio with frizzy-haired ex-Cure genius Robert Smith? This ABSOLUTE MONSTER. LOVE IT.


9. The Books ft. José Gonzalez - Cello Song
One of my favourite ever songs, covered by one of my favourite artists. What could go wrong? Well, as it turns out, absolutely nothing at all. It is from an album called Dark Was The Night - cover tracks from every single amazing band in the world (nearly): Arcade Fire, Grizzly Bear, Bon Iver, The National, Feist, Yeasayer, Sufjan Stevens... And all proceeds go to charity. Everyone wins!
Well, that's all i have time for this month.
Until we meet again in December for a Christmas 'fireside edition'. Prepare the mulled wine!
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I LOVE How to Dress Well. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteCheck out a band called The DIg. You'll love them, unsigned, fresh New Yorkers. x