Wednesday, 22 December 2010

December 2010 **Winter Warmers**

Afternoon all.

Just a quick one this month as I am rushing around trying to festivitise myself.

First, some admin. As promised I now have a Spotify Account - ask and you shall receive peoples! My username is catratbat and the December 2010 playlist is now up on my profile. If anyone is experienced in this field and knows if there is a way to link Youtube playlists to Spotify it would save me a lot of time on the back catalogue! So just 'follow' me or whatever you cool kids do and hopefully you should be able to listen (although one track - the Jim O'Rourke one - isn't available on Spotify)

Secondly, Chip's Blips is now also on Twitter (@Chipsblipsblog). This will supplement the monthly playlists, and hopefully give you more instant access to CB's favourite songs of the day/week.

So if either of those things mean anything to you - fantastic.

If they don't then fear not; I have a wonderful selection of Winter Warmers for you, to tide you over this frosty festive period. No time to write about each song, but there are some old, some new and all beautiful. I hope you enjoy it as much as me.

Much love and a very Merry Christmas to one and all. Until we meet again in 2011.

**********END OF TRANSMISSION**********


  1. What is spotify??


    your technotarded cuz.

  2. It's basically an online iTunes with every song in the world on it. You can make playlists and share them with people. Apparently it's better than my YouTube legacy, but i'm new to it so we shall see...

  3. Best. Playlist. Yet.


    Shame you didn't include your nifty comments to go with it...
